Combo 1
Right leg lead, self-reversing
1. Basic Right x2 (8)
2. Walk around your bench (right leg leading travelling west or to left side of bench) (8)
3. Single Knees x2 (8)
4. Hamstring Repeater x1 (8)
Combo 2
Self-reversing, equalized on both sides.
1. Double knee repeater and walk around to front of step x1 (8)
2. Mambo on the floor x1 (4)
3. Pivot on the floor x1 (4)
4. Double knee repeater and walk around to back of step x1 (8)
5. Mambo on the floor x1 (4)
6. Pivot on the floor x1 (4)
Combo 3
Right leg lead, self-reversing
1. Single abductors x2 (8)
2. V-step x2 (8)
3. Split basic x1 (8)
4. I-Step (step up right and left, one jack (4), step down right and left, one jack (4)) x1 (8)