Step choreography: User Patterns
A little brasilian flavour

Author or alias: Bettina (BettinaJamison at aol dot com)
Difficulty: Advanced
Step position: Horizontal
Steps involved: 1
Routine ID: 598

1-2 in front facing north right foot in west corner left foot west besides the board; right arm pointing to the ceiling left arm pointing towars left foot
3-4 facing north cha cha in front of the board
5-8 repeating 1-4 changing the leading foot ( now left )
9-10 chassee over the board starting in front facing west arms going up and down
11 turning left shoulder facing east
12-14 facing east march on board starting with right foot
right arm goes up (torrero position)left hand on hip
15-16 facing east march down with left foot first facing south
17-20 facing south left lead two 4/4 turns right schoulder back around the board facing now north
21-24 facing north left lead leg curl (left foot on west edge) and then leg curl with right foot in east corner
25-26 facing west stomp down with left leg on floor right foot still on east edge facing west
27-28 facing west left foot stomp crossover down behind the board right foot down facing west ( board on your left side )
29-32 facing west over the top left lead ending facing north

1-3 march diagonal on board left lead facing east
4 knee up right foot on board
5-8 pivot turn ( right foot down facing east 1/2 turn left shoulder back facing west right foot on board 1/2 turn left shoulder back facing east again both feet on board )
9-10 straddle down facing east right foot lead
11-14 basic facing north right foot lead
15-16 leg lift crossover (right foot in west corner left leg crosses over behind the board facing west )
17-20 step to the right with right foot facing south into mambo ( left foot)
21-24 over the top facing east right foot lead swinging arms back to the front of the board facing north
25-32 v-step straddle around the world = 1/2 v-step right foot lead facing north straddle down right foot lead right shoulder back facing east, 1/2 v-step facing south right foot lead right shoulder back straddle down facing west)

1-2 facing west right foot lead chassee on board
3-4 straddle left lead facing west
5-8 facing west tip on board left and right foot
9-12 right shoulder back facing north basic left foot lead
13-16 v-step backward facing north left leg lead 4/4 turn right shoulder back in front of the board
17-18 march to east side of the board left foot lead
19-20 across the world high facing north
21-24 left foot down to the west of board 4/4 turn right shoulder back facing east
25-28 facing east 2x knee up march left foot lead on board
29-30 straddle down facing east left leg lead
31-32 facing east turn right shoulder back in front of the board facing north

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